
After more than two decades of teaching (amongst others, at the Royal Academy of Music, as well as some of the most prestigious UK schools in London and Oxford) and more than three and a half decades of performing, I am still delighted to be a daily learner myself. Every student needs and deserves a personal and unique approach to learning. After visiting over 90 countries and 6 of the 7 continents (Antarctica still awaits!), I have seen first hand the communicative power of music and its ability to transcend barriers.

Music is a way of experiencing the world and learning about yourself, learning humility, patience and attention to detail in the process. As the great Heinrich Neuhaus (teacher of Sviatoslav Richter, Emil Gilels, Radu Lupu…) said: “Do not find yourself in the music, but find music in yourself”.

Viktor can be booked for concerts, master classes as well as online lessons. His extensive experience of performing and teaching, as well as his love of languages and appreciation for different cultures ensures that each performance and master class are as unique as the audiences attending them.

Viktor Bijelovic

Student Testimonials